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Nov 27, 2023

Using AI to further the conversation

MarketsEQ CEO Sean Austin explores secure, insightful conversational intelligence

The future of financial analysis is conversational. Decoding the language of business empowers you to make smarter decisions through a pioneering use of natural language processing (NLP), vocal analysis and verbal cue detection.   

Conversational and generative AI are essential tools as the world changes, markets are disrupted and leaders strive to compete and deliver value with confidence, clarity and a steady hand. The power of their words is magnified, their intent never more precise and the direction never clearer. 

Subtle signals within language can help forecast future impacts and anticipate risks and opportunities for your business, as well as identify those facing your competitors. It is essential to hear the speaker-listeners on both sides of the conversation. Proper analysis – assisted by generative AI and other aspects of AI – of earnings calls, presentations and executive communications will uncover strategic insights through natural conversations that will not be found anywhere else.  

In its recent report, The Generative AI Dossier, Deloitte writes: ‘Generative AI, paired with other AI for tasks like sentiment analysis and customer analytics, can lead to hyper-personalization in product offerings and customer engagement.’ The assessment recognizes the advantages of generative AI as a component part of business intelligence, alongside cloud and data transformation, engineering, machine learning and front-end development, drawing from new data pipelines ‘at a pace no human can match’. 

Generative AI can augment the work of human market analysts, speeding up their analysis and potentially improving the accuracy of market forecasts. And if it is engineered to do so conversationally, adoption by communications and IR professionals will be smoother, faster and more readily introduced in workflow. 

Non-financial disclosures and financial news share equal billing as inquiries drive responsive content. Corporate culture, workflow and organizational changes and news of critical management appointments are all ‘of a piece’ with earnings and financials. IR has become an integral part of the creation of narrative, both internal and external, yet has arguably been underserved with the assets, structures and tools required. Deloitte also reports that 82 percent of senior executives believe they will need additional resources to generate ESG disclosures that meet the information needs of critical stakeholders.  

Using AI for investor relations

In so many ways, and with increasing volume and examples, IR and communications professionals are in the business of content management. If early adopters in the marketing, healthcare and graphic design industries are experimenting and discovering new, potentially time and cost-saving applications of generative AI in content production, so then must the IR professional, charged with the management of vast amounts of data that must be codified, synthesized and presented quickly, succinctly and with minimum friction. We should all be thinking about the IR pro user experience and how to provide the tools to improve the interface and the result with a steady eye on clarity, accuracy, trustworthiness and transparency. 

If there is an AI superpower, it answers all questions about communications content with unique descriptive answers and insights focused on behavior. It arms leaders and communications professionals with the competitive edge of previously unavailable awareness and understanding – with clarity and unparalleled analysis. And it provides those pros with the ability to test, refine, iterate, challenge and bring their own insights, experiences, text and audio data into the process.  

Investor relations executives might ask: ‘How did our executive team sound on the call? Were people confident and did they stay on message?’ Or: ‘How did our competitor handle the challenging inquiries of analysts on the call?’ The AI would then respond by analyzing vocal patterns, word choices and other verbal cues to surface meaningful nuances and tone. This equips IR teams with an informational advantage to control market narratives. For IR, strategic intelligence in service of improved investor engagement is a conversation away. Now more than ever, effective communication depends on messages that are clear, consistent and trustworthy. 

A real-time dialogue with the AI allows the user to get on-demand intelligence revealed through natural conversations. Simply ask questions as you would with an analyst colleague and the AI responds with key insights and supporting data derived from its in-depth analysis. This conversational approach provides easy access to up-to-the-minute strategic intelligence. It is trained with behavioral methodologies, best-in-class NLP for text assessment and exclusive voice-assessment tools. Better questions and better insights make for better emotional intelligence.

The most effective advanced conversational AI platform can help us understand nuances from corporate leadership to:

  • Improve investor messaging with data-driven PR strategies  
  • Reduce time spent analyzing communications  
  • Benchmark competition and industry trends  
  • Drive faster insights with conversational analytics  
  • Identify risks and opportunities from market movements  
  • Improve the communication of non-financial disclosures, making the intangible tangible. 

We must do all we can do with AI and generative AI that reduces risk, saves time, shines a light in the dark and provides an informational edge to investor relations and corporate strategy leaders, analysts and advisers. 

The recent article ‘How to capitalize on generative AI’ in the Harvard Business Review probably says it best:  

‘Business leaders should view generative AI as a general-purpose technology akin to electricity, the steam engine and the internet. But although the full potential of those other technologies took decades to be realized, generative AI’s impact on performance and competition throughout the economy will be clear in just a few years. Consequently, leaders shouldn’t sit on the sidelines and wait to see how the use of generative AI develops. They can’t afford to let competitors steal a march on them.’

Using AI to further the conversation
Sean Austin, MarketsEQ

To view more information on MarketsEQ click on the link here.
