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Aug 14, 2016

Investor feedback top for IR measurement

Sneak preview of findings from upcoming research report

Investor feedback is the most popular form of measurement when it comes to assessing the performance of the IR program, according to new research from IR Magazine.

A quarter of IROs globally use investor feedback from brokers, investor perception studies or informal conversations in this way – by far the most used method of IR measurement – reveals data from an upcoming report on measuring and demonstrating the success of the investor relations program.

This is followed by shareholder composition at 15 percent, number of investor meetings at 12 percent and analyst coverage and, somewhat controversially, company share price, each used by 10 percent of IROs. 

Regionally, investor feedback and number of investor meetings are most popular in Europe, used by 28 percent and 19 percent of IROs respectively, while fewer IR professionals in Asia (19 percent) rely on investor feedback. 

Asia-based IROs are far more likely to employ analyst coverage (17 percent) and company share price (16 percent) as a performance indicator than those in either Europe or North America.

North America stands closest to the global average across all five metrics.  

How does your company measure the performance of your IR program?

How does your company measure the performance of your IR program?

Find the full data in our research report on measuring IR, out next month

Garnet Roach

An award-winning journalist, Garnet Roach joined IR Magazine in October 2012, working on both the editorial and research sides of the publication. Prior to entering the world of investor relations, her freelance career covered a broad range of...

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