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Feb 02, 2022

Ground-breaking career study – Key building blocks to becoming a standout IRO – Stand out or stand aside – New dynamics, rising stars

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Rising stars in investor relations: Stand out or stand aside – A study of the key building blocks to becoming a standout IRO / Broome Yasar


Today’s diverse, confident, experienced and more sophisticated IROs are helping organizations deal with unprecedented challenges. CEOs and CFOs are under enormous pressure in the current climate of market demands, with many realizing that their own careers, as well as the fortunes of their company, depend greatly upon how they communicate with their varied stakeholders. With regulation and investor activism taking up more of their energies, they will lean ever more heavily on their IROs to satisfy stakeholders’ need for relevant, accurate and speedy information. As investor relations changes, so does its major players. 

Key building blocks to becoming a standout IRO - Stand-out or stand aside - Ground-breaking career study from Broome YasarOver the past few years, we have seen the emergence of a group of more powerful, influential, credible and more sophisticated IROs who in many cases are now being positioned as the next generation of business leaders. 

Investor relations has never been a more exciting industry, whether as a career choice or a stepping-stone to another sector or eventually to the C-suite. Broome Yasar’s ground-breaking report showcases what it takes to be a standout IRO and assesses the ‘rising stars’ in our incredible industry.


This content is provided by Broome Yasar and did not involve IR Magazine journalists.

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