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Jan 02, 2017

Innovative seminar to be held before Canada Awards

Opportunity to review the most significant issues facing Canadian IROs

Prior to the IR Magazine Awards – Canada 2017, the IR Magazine Investor Perception Seminar – Canada 2017 will take place the same day to discuss IR trends and best practices.

In this highly interactive seminar, participants will be able to participate in three panel discussions with other IROs from across Canada. It will be an opportunity to review the most significant issues facing IR professionals in Canada and learn how others are planning to overcome them. The seminar is participant-driven and highly focused.

Industry leaders will introduce each topic before participants break into small roundtable groups to discuss the issues, and each session will conclude with a room-wide discussion. Switching tables at the start of each session ensures maximum opportunity to interact and network with all participants.

The awards, which take place on February 2 in Toronto, remain the Canadian IR community’s largest annual gathering and comprise an evening of celebration and networking for investor relations officers, senior management teams, advisers and analysts.
