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Jul 29, 2024

New skills for investor relations now available

As the IR profession continues to evolve, so too do the key skills and attributes needed to become a successful professional in the capital markets. Whether due to the growing responsibilities shouldered by leading IROs, the continued emphasis on ESG and other non-financial factors or the growing role of technology and AI, the skillset required to be an IR success is constantly changing.


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This report is available to subscribers to IR Magazine.


This latest IR Magazine research report on IR skills unveils the expertise considered most critical and the key trends that are driving the need for new competencies. Based on responses to our annual global survey, the results reveal a dual focus on the core skills of financial literacy and communications, as well as emerging disciplines such as data analysis, ESG and AI.

It contains a detailed breakdown of how satisfied IROs are with their own skillsets, the skills they consider most critical for success over the next three years and where they see any gaps between the competencies they have and the skills that may be required of them.


This report is available to subscribers to IR Magazine.

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