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Sep 12, 2017

Women in IR special: The Ticker 81

‘You need to have a culture that feels inclusive to everyone, whether they’re a woman, part of the LGBTQ community or someone who is just a bit different’

This episode is part of IR Magazine’s Women in IR content week, marking the start of a series of networking events across Canada, the US and the UK

On episode 81 of The Ticker podcast, a Women in IR special:

Men take two thirds of top IR jobs. IR Magazine’s Garnet Roach looks at the data behind the numbers
• Pavita Cooper, founder at talent and diversity firm More Difference, who also sits on the steering committee at the 30% Club, on the reasons for the disparity 
• Marilyn Mora, head of IR at tech giant Cisco, on what companies can do to keep – and promote – women to senior roles
