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Nov 14, 2016

Roadshows and conferences remain most popular investor events, research finds

Ninety-five percent of IR professionals attended an investor conference in last 12 months

Analysis from the IR Magazine Global Roadshow Report 2016 shows that roadshows and investor conferences remain the most popular type of investor events by some margin.

The research reveals that 90 percent of survey respondents have been on a roadshow and 95 percent have attended an investor conference over the past year. While these percentages remain the same as in 2015, companies’ level of activity has changed: those that go on roadshows typically did so eight times in the past 12 months, a fall of 0.6 from 2015. Meanwhile, companies that host site visits put on an average of 5.6, down from 6.3 the previous year.

Roadshows have gained in popularity at North American companies in the past year, to the point they now rival investor conferences as the most popular form of investor engagement in the region.

The 92 percent of North American companies that go on the road typically went on 7.3 roadshows, while the 96 percent of respondents who attended investor conferences did so 7.4 times. Site visits have dropped in popularity, with 75 percent of North American companies typically hosting 5.6 visits as opposed to 79 percent hosting 5.3 visits in 2015.

European companies have seen drops 
in both roadshow and investor conference activity, with roadshow travelers going on one trip fewer this year and the 92 percent of investor conference attendees doing so on average 7.9 times, compared with 8.6 times in 2015.

More European companies are hosting site visits this year but fewer visits are actually being hosted overall. In 2015, 65 percent of European survey respondents hosted 5.8 site visits on average; this year, 71 percent hosted an average of 4.9.

The number of Asian companies going on the road has increased this year to 92 percent, but the number of roadshows they go on has dropped to 5.5 from 7.2 in 2015. Similarly, while almost all Asian companies attended an investor conference in the past 12 months, they have attended 1.6 fewer conferences on average than they did the previous year.

Site visits remain far more common in Asia than in other regions, with 80 percent of Asian firms hosting an average of 13.6 across the year.




