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Aug 01, 2024

‘Sexy is not the right adjective for our industry’: Inside waste disposal firm Clean Harbors’ award-winning investor day

Company awarded best investor event (small to mid-cap) trophy at the IR Magazine Awards – US 2024
Making your company’s story come to life in front of investors’ eyes may be easier in certain industries than in others.  For Jim Buckley, SVP of investor relations and corporate communications at the Norwell, Massachusetts-based firm Clean Harbors, it required an honest appraisal of what is unique about his organization: it provides environmental and industrial services for a range of corporate clients, including hazardous waste disposal and specialist solutions for the oil and gas sector.   ‘Sexy

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Laurie Havelock

Laurie has been part of the IR Magazine team for more than a decade, starting out as a reporter and research editor before becoming editor in 2023. He was previously acting business editor at the i newspaper and deputy business editor at The Daily...
