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Apr 30, 2006

Linking governance to performance

Corporations have spent billions of dollars complying with Sarbanes-Oxley and a lot of time wrestling with how to implement governance practices that provide appropriate oversight without stifling management flexibility. Investors, meanwhile, first began examining governance purely as a risk mitigation tool, but today there is a shift as more fund managers attempt to understand what governance can tell them about performance.

Corporations have spent billions of dollars complying with Sarbanes-Oxley and a lot of time wrestling with how to implement governance practices that provide appropriate oversight without stifling management flexibility. Investors, meanwhile, first began examining governance purely as a risk mitigation tool, but today there is a shift as more fund managers attempt to understand what governance can tell them about performance. A recent study entitled ‘Did new regulations target the

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John Deosaran

John Deosaran is vice president of Institutional Shareholder Services’ ESG analytics group.