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Apr 30, 1998

Your company needs you...or does it?

There will come a point in time when the IR function at your company is under attack. Maybe your job is at risk; maybe your colleagues just want some IR performance targets

The investor relations function at your company is under attack. You've seen the signs. Something's up and, suddenly, no-one's letting you in on the secrets anymore. Are those whisperings by the coffee machine about you? Did that door swing shut as you walked past? Is the CEO really in a meeting every time you call? It may not manifest itself in quite this fashion but there are times in every company when the IR function has to show what it's worth. At the worst, your job may be under threat;

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Richard Carpenter

Covering investor communications, sustainability and employee engagement, Richard Carpenter has worked with the likes of Aviva, Facebook, Alibaba, HSBC and the London Stock Exchange. Before joining Bladonmore, he was CEO of MerchantCantos, part of...
Chief executive