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Mar 31, 2001

The annual 'annual report' report

The annual report is being superseded by newer concepts in corporate reporting

This is strange. Try talking to leading annual report consultants about trends this season and many don't want to talk. Not because they are shy of promoting their skills in this magazine, with its key target audience and all that. Nor because they don't have time between all the new-business pitches.No, the simple reason is that many of these consultancies have reinvented the reporting process. The concept of 'annual' reports has been thrown in the trash in 2001 'It is all about corporate

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Richard Carpenter

Covering investor communications, sustainability and employee engagement, Richard Carpenter has worked with the likes of Aviva, Facebook, Alibaba, HSBC and the London Stock Exchange. Before joining Bladonmore, he was CEO of MerchantCantos, part of...
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