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Would you ever put an AI-generated version of your CEO in front of investors?
‘It’s an intimidating but empowering platform all at once’: Autonation’s Bryan Kloster on adopting AI
Not everyone who is using AI is a tech native or algorithmic expert – just ask Bryan Kloster, investor relations manager at...
How to start thinking about overcoming the risks and obstacles of AI implementation
How will AI continue to impact how IROs conduct their day-to-day business? The upcoming IR Magazine Forum – AI & Technology is...
‘Don’t resist the unfamiliar’: Andrew Posen on how IROs can keep up with the buy side’s use of AI
One new technology has dominated headlines in 2024: the emerging importance of AI in everybody’s lives, not just for IROs. The...
'We are not going for hype': Why IR teams are using finfluencers to help them reach investors
Finfluencers weren’t part of Eugeniu Baltag’s original IR plan. But he says markets have changed – and digitalization has changed...
How investor relations teams can streamline their Q&A preparations
Preparing for Q&A sessions and presentations is one of the most time-consuming parts of an IR professional's role. It's not just...
Europe’s top 500 companies resemble the US list of 20 years ago – and that could be a problem
What are the biggest companies in Europe, according to their revenue? According to Fortune, it’s largely companies in the...