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Dec 31, 2003

IR in Asia

The implications of the research that identified the winners of the IR Magazine Asia Awards.

Sars, the 2003 flu-like epidemic that began in Hong Kong before spreading rapidly to Singapore, much of the rest of Asia and Canada, infected a staggering 8,098 people, killing 774 of them. Medics say it may return but, for now at least, there is a respite from its devastating effect on individuals and businesses alike. For those afflicted, any talk of silver linings would be in bad taste. But for the corporate world, Sars - like most crises - did offer a chance for the exceptionally open

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Janet Dignan

Janet Dignan is a graduate of Otago University in New Zealand, where she read philosophy. From 1979 to1982 she was head of information at Linklaters, with responsibility for internal and external information resources for its offices in London, Hong...
Founding editor