Research section: Rising to the IR challenge
Investigating the greatest issues faced by IR practitioners in 2013. The latest round of our ongoing global survey of IROs is complete and we are currently analyzing the results. The survey was conducted during December 2013 and early January...
What buy-side investors want from digital communications
Understanding what buy-side investors want from digital communications is a crucial component of a strong investor relations strategy. Interviews with 379 buy-side investors across the globe, conducted by Rivel Research Group in association with...
A guide to press release optimization
Standards for optimizing a press release are always changing as social media, mobile behavior and search engine algorithms evolve. In this SEO guidance report from Business Wire, you'll find technical tips to properly optimize a press release...
Get more mileage from your investor relations program, without racking up the miles
Companies, brokers and money managers are increasingly turning to video as an effective communications tool to hold meetings and conduct research on a global basis. Regardless of the size of your team and budget, video complements and enhances...
Buy-Side Expectations- Best-In-Class Investor Relations
Research section: Global IR trends 2013
Last month saw the publication of the IR Magazine Global Investor Relations Practice Report 2013. This is the third consecutive year we have published the report and the ongoing research has given us the opportunity to identify common IR...
Global IR Practice Report 2013
IR Magazine reveals the results of our latest annual global practice survey, the largest existing survey of investor relations professionals worldwide. Based on a survey of more than 1,200 corporate IR professionals, this year’s results have...
Research Section: Asian IR achievers
A sneak preview of our latest research into investor relations in Asia. As we head to the end of the year, we approach the final leg of the 2013 round of the IR Magazine Awards. December sees us hold two events in Asia, our Greater China awards...