ESG Archive
Is ESG all about the ‘G’? That depends on your time horizon
This article first appeared on While governance showed more financial significance in the short term, environmental and...
Equality in IR 2020: Social media highlights
Wednesday Winner: TD Bank’s ESG reporting
How to move from CSR to ESG reporting
The notion of CSR has been around for years, its history going back to environmental reporting. These reports were purely...
ESG is back (and not just the E in ESG!)
Impact investors favor climate impact, study finds
Climate action has received the biggest portion of public equity impact investment of all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...
ESG proposals rejected but make inroads at Delta AGM
Two first-time ESG shareholder proposals – while not being approved – secured significant levels of support at Delta Air Lines’...
North American investors still lag in focus on environmental and social issues
North American investors continue to show less interest in environmental and social (E&S) issues than their European peers...
SASB backs European plan to boost ESG reporting
SASB has put its weight behind a European regulatory project that the board believes may result in global standards for ESG...